Jet Set Mars

#ESA #Techsploration

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Hi there, space cat!

Ready to purrrrrsuit with a rocket suit?

Soaring amongst the sky? Or are you merely dreaming to fly?

From Icarus and Superman, over flying belts to wingsuits…
Not only humans have been dreaming to conquer the skies.

Aim for the stars, first flight to Mars!

Are you feeling lucky? Get into the skin of Pussy Commander!
The expedition starts right meow. Ready to spend a furry life or nine in the Milky Way galaxy?

First stop: Mars. De best place off earth to test this out-of-this-world vehicle.
Lower gravity, atmospheric density and breathtaking vistas. Still, not for pussies.

Get the Jet Set for dummies

A jet set should be able to tackle two things: lifting you up and getting you stable!

Grab your parts!

Turbo-jet engines are basically fueled with kerosene.
Purrfect! Great height and duration of flight!

Hydro jet pack! Are you kitting me? Water in space? Quite the catastrophe!

Whoops, curiosity killed the batcat!

Cause hell no, a cape won’t save you in space...

Keep your shit together!

Multiboard with too many options for one cat to handle

Cyberclaw. Use it well. YOLN! You Only Live Nince!

Bubble shield!